Carly Cristman is known as the girl who gets her Uber driver to take her outfit photos and for having a very clean aesthetic on her social media platforms. Since 2010, Carly has been releasing content on YouTube while slowly growing her views.
Her YouTube and social media accounts are worth taking a look. Here is why.
1. She blogs about almost anything.
Yes, she talks about almost anything! If you want to see fall trends, where to buy your next outfit, how to be your own boss and more tips, then she has it all.
2. She has a consistent aesthetic.
All of her video thumbnails use the same format if you glance over her YouTube channel. Having a nice, clean, and consistent format makes it your own unique style.
Here’s an example from her Instagram.
3. She has specific playlists for her topics.
The fact that she’s organized and puts specific topics together so they are easily accessible makes things much easier.
This is one of the videos she includes in her “Fashion + Style” playlist.
You can definitely expect Carly’s YouTube subscriptions to rise with the upcoming years. With such a pleasing aesthetic and organization, she’s already creating her own style.
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Yocelyn Mendoza is majoring in communications and double minoring in graphic design and Spanish. She enjoys drawing, discovering new music and going on hikes.
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