Vlogger and comedian Gabbie Hanna, better known as The Gabbie Show, recently dropped her very first single, “Out Loud.” Her new music reached #3 on the iTunes music sales charts, topped only by Taylor Swift.
Here’s how Gabbie Hanna reached #3 on the iTunes charts.
1. The announcement came as a huge surprise.
Gabbie’s subscribers knew that she could sing. However, they weren’t aware that she was interested in pursuing a professional music career. The “Out Loud” announcement took many of her followers by surprise, which made them all the more excited to download the song.
2. She released a lyric video on YouTube.
After “Out Loud” was released on iTunes, Gabbie uploaded a lyric video to her YouTube channel. The video is beautiful and professional, providing a welcome contrast to her typical content. It quickly began climbing up YouTube’s trending page.
3. She timed it alongside another major release.
Gabbie’s song was inspired by her poetry book, Adultolescense, which comes out in a few weeks. The close release dates allowed Gabbie to use one project to promote the other.
Gabbie Hanna successfully transitioned from vlogging to music by surprising her audience and combining her music release with her book release.
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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.
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