5 Trendy Videos You Can Make

In addition to the usual content on your channel, you can mix in a few different videos that will keep your channel interesting, fun, and current. Here are some trendy videos many YouTubers upload on their channels.

1. Challenges

Since the dawn of the “Cinnamon Challenge,” plenty of new challenges have gone viral on the Internet. A few examples are the Ice Bucket Challenge, the Whisper Challenge, the Try Not To Laugh Challenge, and the Roast Yourself Challenge.

One reason challenge videos are so popular is because people find these videos really entertaining. YouTubers themselves find these videos hilarious, and they recreate them to entertain their viewers in the same way. Challenge videos are also great because you can film collabs doing challenges, and even people who don’t subscribe to you may find the video entertaining and share it.

2. Food hauls

Many YouTubers have at least one of these kinds of videos on their channels. Whether they’re trying Swedish food, Asian snacks, or Japanese candy, viewers will find it entertaining because it is, in a sense, a reaction video.

Also, a great thing about these food hauls is that they link the content creator with the subscriber; most of the time, the snacks they’re trying are sent to them by subscribers from the area. All the subscribers from that area (e.g. Japan) will definitely get a kick out of watching their favorite YouTuber trying snacks they eat every day.

3. Viral trends

The most recent viral trend that dominated YouTube is the “100 Layers Of…” trend. Another strange trend on Instagram and YouTube is slime videos. Viral trends pop out of nowhere. When you notice all the attention a viral trend is gaining, you should consider capitalizing on it.

Ever since the “100 Layers” trend pervaded throughout YouTube, practically every big-name YouTuber has been making his or her own “100 Layers” video. This helps you get views because your video is likely to pop up as a suggested video for someone watching another video like this, and you might even have started something viral of your own. For example, “100 Layers of Liquid Lipstick” far exceeded the fame of the original “100 Layers of Nail Polish” video.

In short, viral trends simply help you stay up to date on the Internet and pique the interest of those not yet subscribed to you.

4. Tags

Tags are also popular throughout YouTube. Tags help you expand your community. Content creators film tag videos mostly because another YouTuber has tagged them in a video to do so. For example, at the end of a normal tag video, a YouTuber will say a few names of fellow content creators to recreate their own versions of the tag (such as the “Draw My Life” tag). This helps link content creators and build a stronger community between them and their subscribers as well.

In addition, most tags function in the form of Q&A’s, in that you answer a lot of questions personal to you, which your subscribers will find interesting, as seen in the “Draw My Life” tag, Boyfriend tag, etc.

5. Fan mail

When you’ve accumulated enough fan mail, you can sit down and film a quick video of yourself opening the letters and packages. Whether it’s only a few letters or dozens of boxes, it’s definitely worth it to film this.

You can directly thank the senders on camera, and this shows them and other fans just how sincere you are (you actually read everything!) and just how thankful you are for their support. Many people who send fan mail worry that the YouTuber never actually ends up receiving or reading through it, so it’s nice to film videos once in awhile of you going through these gifts.

If you find yourself stuck without video ideas, definitely find inspiration in the above five. You’ll also be keeping with the trends and making your channel more fun for your viewers.

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.

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