5 Things To Think About While Filming Your Videos

With the seemingly endless amount of video content available to them, many viewers expect high production value in every video they watch. If the sound is off or the subject is out of focus, they can simply switch to a different video on a different channel. However, by keeping a few simple things in mind when you film, you can ensure that your videos have the kind of production value that viewers appreciate.

Here are five things to remember when filming your YouTube videos.

1. Know exactly what you want out of the video.

The more planning you do before turning on the camera, the better your end result will be. Write a script, keep a schedule, and make notes to keep in front of you while you film. You may even consider rehearsing before filming the actual video.

Check out this video to learn how one vlogger plans her YouTube videos.

2. Think about how to reduce background noise.

The only thing worse than a video with poor picture quality is a video with poor sound quality. In order to give your viewers the best listening experience, record your audio with an external mic.

You should also do everything you can to minimize background noise. Film in a quiet room away from other people, windows that open to busy streets, and loud fans. Add cushy furniture, throw pillows, or a rug to absorb sound. You may consider turning off your refrigerator and air conditioner to keep fan noises out of the background.

3. Pay attention to what’s in the frame.

Before pressing the record button on your camera, make sure you know what your frame looks like. If your camera has a viewfinder, flip it around and use it to see what the camera sees. If your camera doesn’t have a viewfinder, have someone else sit in the place you’re going to be on camera so you can see what it looks like from the other side.

Study a few photo composition tips to help you set up better shots.

4. Have a backup SD card and camera battery ready to go.

Know how much your equipment can handle. Before filming, make sure your SD card is clear by moving any footage to your laptop or an external hard drive. Have a backup SD card readily available so that you can switch them if your other SD card runs out of room halfway through filming.

You should also charge your camera battery fully before filming. Charge a second battery as well so that you won’t have to worry if your video takes longer to film than you expected.

5. Give yourself natural editing points as you film.

As you film, think about how you’re going to edit the video. For example, if you think of any special effects you want to add in post-production, say it out loud so you don’t forget when you’re editing.

Experiment with different editing software until you find the one you like best.

When you’re filming a YouTube video, you should be thinking about how it looks, how it sounds, and how you’re going to edit it.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.