5 Free Ways To Grow Your Channel Viewership

You put a lot of time and effort into your YouTube videos, regardless of how much money you may make from them. After buying ingredients or instruments, makeup or merchandise, you might not have much left in your budget for promotion. Instead of letting your view count stay stagnant, try these five ways to grow your channel viewership without spending a single penny.

1. Keep your videos around 3 minutes long.

According to Buffer Social, the ideal length for a YouTube video is 2 minutes and 54 seconds. Whereas viewers may be unimpressed with a shorter video or put off by a longer one, three minutes matches well with the human attention span.

This DIY video from Rosana Pasino is a great example of ideal video length.

2. Include an intro for every video.

Viewers may feel lost if you jump right into the action. A quick intro will both excite loyal subscribers and entice new viewers. Be sure to let them know who you are and what your video is about.

Beauty guru Laura Lee starts each video with an intro to welcome her subscribers back.

3. Create co-branded video.

Viewers love nothing more than collaboration videos that bring their favorite YouTubers together. Work with another content creator whose core fanbase is different from yours yet is similar enough so that they mesh well. Work together to promote each other’s content.

Makeup vloggers and best friends Karima McKimmie and Michelle Crossan joined together for this goofy video on Karima’s channel. They then filmed a second video for Michelle’s.

4. Make important keywords your first tags.

YouTube gives more weight to your first few tags than it gives to any of the others. By putting your focus keyword first, you’re ensuring that the search engine will identify your video under that topic first and foremost.

For example, the first tags on this video should be something like “product review” and “hamper hoops.” If Bunny had started with the tags “funny” and “basketball,” then her video would not have been found by the right viewers.

5. Post holiday-themed videos.

Have you ever searched for the perfect DIY Christmas gift or the best Valentine’s Day dinner recipe? Chances are that your potential subscribers are searching for these sorts of things, too. By posting seasonal content, your videos’ popularity with be akin to that of a pumpkin spice latte.

Eva Marisol shared this affordable DIY gift guide around the holidays, and her video got over two million views!

Video promotion doesn’t have to cripple your budget. Finding free ways to promote your videos and gain subscribers is as simple as a Google search.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link: www.promolta.com

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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