5 Essentials To Record Music At Home

Many up and coming artist can not afford to make their music in recording studios are forced to do it at home. A home studio can make great music under great conditions.

Below is Jasmine Thomson’s cover song recorded at home:

Here are some essentials to record great music from the comfort of your home:

1. Quieting the space around you

There are many ways to reduce sound in a home recording, a simple way is simply asking people to be quiet however this doesn’t always work. Hanging celling to floor curtains during recording times is a simple way to contain sound that comes from outside. If footsteps are the problem try adding a rug or carpet above, if you have hardwood floors consider buying a rug or mat for your studio.

2. Headphones are affordable and essential

Good headphones makes it easy to pick up sounds that shouldn’t be in song. Some of the best headphones include many that are under $100, making it affordable for startup musicians. DJ headphones are great for listening closely to music because they are designed to block out club music. Audio Technica and Sennheiser and two companies that have great headphones.

 3. Microphones for different instruments

There are two microphones that musicians should be aware of, condenser mics and dynamic mics. Condenser mics are used for high frequency instruments such as acoustic guitar, cymbals and pianos while dynamic mics are used for drums and electric guitar.  When recording remember the proximity effect, if one records too close to the mic it distorts the sound. In recording studios there is a shield to prevent this, such as what Jasmine Thompson uses.

 4. Software synthesizer

A software synthesizer is a piece of equipment that looks very similar to keyboard and a lot of knobs and buttons. This equipment can add an extra element such as drums, piano, or does and record one riff to play over and over.  This is good for someone who is a solo artist or just to add a new sound to the music.

 5. Software to edit

Last but not least, there will inevitably be songs that need a little touching up.  Audacity, Acoustica Basic Edition and Garage Band are all popular editing apps that work with most software’s to work. They are user friendly and can help you improve music and experiment with new sounds. This should be on the computer for which all the recording is be done on making it an easy transition when that phase of recording comes.

A home recording studio, although not always ideal, allows for an artistic to freely experiment with whatever sound they like and to have complete control over the music they are creating. It also allows the musician to work on their music whenever it is fit for them. Remember these tips when setting up your recording studio!

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Megan Trainor spends her days doing crossword puzzles, reading the news and looking for new music to listen to. She is usually a sucker for guitar but appreciates songs with meaningful lyrics and a strong bass.

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