5 Elements To Include On Every Band Website

Band websites are a great way to market oneself in one easy stop. Social media, merchandise, and ticket sales can all be put onto the band website. It is also a great place to announce upcoming singles, put out videos, and keep fans with the most up-to-date information on what you are up to. There are five elements that your website should absolutely have.

1. Tell Us about yourself

Every social media account has an area for a short biography. How did the band get to where it is? What influences you as an artist? These questions usually cannot be answered in the small box provided by social media outlets. The biography on a musician’s website should be a little more extensive. This specific biography can give a detailed history from the first time an instrument was picked up to first hit single and so on.

For example, Coldplay lets you download their official band bio.

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2. Links to all social media

Websites should be a culmination of all the items an artist has floating around the web. This ranges from linking social media accounts to the page, to reviews, to pictures of concerts and events. This should all be consolidated on the website. When fans start to Google an artist, this website should be the first to pop up, giving the fan a one-stop shop for all that he or she should know.

social media on band website

3. Pictures and Videos released on site

Pictures on the website shouldn’t be things that are normally Instagrammed. Rather, this should include photos taken from tours and production, which are more professionally done. Give the fans an idea of what a musician’s concert looks like — what to expect.  Videos can be released onto the website as well as on YouTube, giving the fans many ways to access your work.


4. Tour Dates

Tour dates should be included on the website, because that way, it is a for sure place to find this information. Andy Grammar, for example, lets fans buy their tickets on his website by providing a link. Making the buying process convenient will reap its own rewards. Fans will be more likely to look to the band website when tour dates are announced and be more willing to buy tickets from there, as opposed to a third party site.

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5. Selling merchandise

Fans want to feel part of the experience, part of the band, and part of whatever it is your music makes them feel. They love to buy merchandise to wear to concerts and just sport on a day to day life. Selling and advertising merchandise on your website will enable easy access for fans. Let them know that they are getting all the “official” stuff such as T-shirts, bracelets, and so forth.

merch on band website

When creating a website for your band, it is important to keep in mind these five elements that will make it great. Not only does it make it convenient for fans to navigate, but it also consolidates all that you are as a musician — making it easy for record labels to see what you are all about.

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Megan Trainor spends her days doing crossword puzzles, reading the news and looking for new music to listen to. She is usually a sucker for guitar but appreciates songs with meaningful lyrics and a strong bass.



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