4 Tips for Learning a New Instrument

Once a foot is dipped into the pool of music, it’s hard to refrain from throwing oneself in wholeheartedly. Music feeds the soul and exercises the brain, which is why learning a new instrument is so rewarding.

There are several points people should keep in mind when approaching a new instrument in order to sustain progress.

1. Maintain consistency.

After the initial excitement of a new hobby or instrument, it’s important not to let interest drop. Avoid this common pattern by consistently practicing. Regularly rehearsing is the only way for beginners to develop.

2. Be realistic.

The first year of learning an instrument requires forming a foundation to build off of. Accepting difficulties and acknowledging that professionalism isn’t an overnight miracle will allow beginners to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

When learning an instrument, set small goals such as learning to read basic sheet music or learning a few chords a week.

3. Keep the big picture in mind.

Remembering why you started a venture can be the best motivation when faced with the temptation to quit. This is why keeping the big picture in mind is essential when learning an instrument because it allows for inspiration.

4. Use resources.

Luckily for aspiring 21st Century musicians, there are resources which offer step-by-step tutorials for every stage of learning an instrument. Beginners should also seek friends or family that have musical experience. This can be a more helpful approach when specific issues arise.

Learning an instrument can lead to vast opportunities and allows for self-expression. With these tips, beginners can approach this endeavour with more ease.

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Roselie Kelly loves to explore and meet new people. She recently moved to Dublin Ireland, where she spends her time teaching English as a foreign language, running, picking up new hobbies and being a dutiful temp receptionist/runner/errand girl/cookie snatcher!

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