4 Reasons Solo Musicians Should Start Out in a Band

Having a solo career may often seem like a very appetizing work atmosphere to many aspiring musicians. But going solo, right away, can shut you out from opportunities to learn and grow as an artist. Here are some great reasons to at least start out as a member of a group.

no doubt

Learn New Skills Quickly

Working with other musicians will give you the opportunity to learn from others with varied skill sets. Being around artists with a variety of skills can help you learn new ones, as you will have to collaborate and work together. As an example, being an accompanist on piano to the lead singer on guitar will invariably force you to become a more proficient musician. You’ll have to synchronize timing and inevitably learn more about how the other instrument works.

Networking & Job Security

Even if you do not remain a part of a specific band, working with others will provide you with potential contacts in the business. These relationships are the foundation of your career and will provide you with future opportunities. Through these connections, you’ll meet even more people. If you establish loyalty to a band, you are more likely to have steady employment into the future.


Working with a band will double, and sometimes triple, your opportunity to perform. When more than 2 or 3 people are sharing the workload, a lot more opportunities to perform can be acquired. More than one person is networking with venues, making it easier to gain their support. And while you may be developing solo material on the side, having band mates gives you the chance to perform more often with others. Take advantage of the opportunities that will come your way.

Strong Support System

For collaborative tasks, such as moving equipment from one location to another, having a band can be a relief. Just as with booking work, many hands make light work. If something goes wrong, having more than one person on the job can help reduce stress and complete errands quicker. Since everyone is invested in the success of the band, you can count on others to be there when things get tough.

There are more benefits than these, such as friendships and memories that come from working in a band. But the ones listed above are sometimes overlooked, when a musician is considering going solo. Before you do, take a look at these benefits, and consider being part of a group.

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Mike DiGirolamo has had a strong interest in music from a young age, playing both the cello and trombone. Outside of music he has a love for movies, theatre, and environmental science.

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