4 Incredible YouTube Lessons from Ne-Yo

At Promolta we do a lot of case studies about successful creators and share key lessons.

Today’s subject is Ne-Yo. He has 5M YouTube subscribers, 3.9B lifetime views and a $9M net worth.

Here are 4 important lessons from his success.

1. Many things will not work out

Bouncing back from setbacks is one of the most important traits as a creator. For example in the beginning of Ne-Yo’s career his group “Envy” disbanded. This must have been very discouraging and painful. But he stayed in the game and pressed on.

Photo by SylvainKalache

2. Experts will not see your talent

You should NOT listen to the experts. 99% of them will not see your talent or vision. For example Ne-Yo was DROPPED by Columbia Records before he could even release his already recorded album. Meaning this is a creator who has billions of YouTube views, yet the label didn’t see his talent. Thus, next time an expert does not believe in you … think about Ne-Yo.

Photo by WebSummit

3. One video can change your life

Every creator should always stay hopeful because 1 VIDEO can change your entire life. In Ne-Yo’s case it was 1 song.

He wrote the song “Let Me Love You” which the singer Mario released in 2004. It blew up and reached #1 on the Billboard hot 100. After this massive success as a songwriter, Ne-Yo got signed by Jay-Z. Thus, you might be 1 video away from massive success.

Photo by SylvianKalache

4. Study past celebs

You should spend some time and study celebs from back in the day. Watch their videos, performances, and interviews. You will learn and pick up some small things which can take your content to the next level. For example Ne-Yo studied Sammy Davis Jr in great detail.

Here is what Ne-Yo said about Sammy Davis Jr: “It’s not that I wanted to sound like him, I just wanted to be what he was on stage and as an artist.”

Never give up.

Photo by WebSummit

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