3 Tips For Creating a Great Music Rap

Although rapping is something few master, all can attempt. It is a key part in our culture’s music, as it has gained more momentum in the last two decades. It is common to hear pop songs with interludes of rap in them. The meaning, beats, and words of the rap all hook listeners on to repeating them for weeks. Here are three tips for making a good one!

Choose a Central Idea

The first thing a musician should do when writing a song is find a focus to the music. Impactful raps and songs become the most successful when they are about something meaningful and close to the artist. Macklemore made his single “Otherside” on opening up about his drug addiction. It gained popularity and helped launch his career.

Pick a Poetic Device

Raps are basically spoken word with a poetic touch. Adding alliteration allows for the use of two or more words that share the same sound. This catches the listener’s attention and is pleasing to the ears. Other poetic devices include metaphors and various rhyme schemes. Lupe Fiasco’s song “Till I Get There” applies a lot of rhyming to engage listeners.

Delivery is Key

An artist can have the greatest words strung together, but it means nothing unless one can deliver them. The key to a great rap is the delivery and the way the artist makes the audience feel what he feels. Eminem’s hit “Lose Yourself” is about a man trying to make it big as a rapper. The listener can hear the anger and determination within his voice.

What makes a great rap is having passion for the topic that is being written about and delivering it with the passion that it deserves. Practice and improve any raps that you hope to incorporate into a song.

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Megan Trainor spends her days doing crossword puzzles, reading the news and looking for new music to listen to. She is usually a sucker for guitar but appreciates songs with meaningful lyrics and a strong bass.

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