3 reasons you need to be playing at gigs

Performing live can be intimidating, but also well worth it. Here are 3 benefits gigs provide for a rising musician.

1) Immediate feedback – When performing live, you visually see which parts of your song fans enjoy the most. This immediate feedback key to becoming a better musician.

2) Selling Merchandise – Have a friend run a merchandise table to sell your T shirts, CD’s, Posters, Bracelets, Keychains while you play your set. Keep your table at a high traffic location: entrance, exit, or near restrooms. Get an app that lets fans pay by credit card. You could be amazed at how much you can make selling merchandise at gigs.

3) Do it for the Labels. One of the big requirements to getting signed is playing live. Labels want to know that you can not only make good music but also keep a crowd entertained. Huge label companies are known to fly and watch small venues with just ten attendees to decide if the artist is worth signing.

As a musician, playing live will get your audience emotionally invested with your music. Look up some places and put together a set to practice.

Think about it: Do you want your fans to say,  “This artist has some good songs…” or “I was there. It was amazing.”

Learn more about promoting your music at www.promolta.com

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