3 Fascinating Lessons for Creators from Avril Lavigne

At Promolta we do a lot of case studies about successful creators and share key lessons.

Today’s subject is Avril Lavigne. She has 12.8M YouTube subscribers, 6.6B lifetime views, and a $60M net worth.

Here are 3 important lessons from her success.

1. One right person can change your life

Every video you create should be epic because you never know who’s watching. For example Avril Lavigne was discovered at a BOOKSTORE. At the time Avril was singing country song covers when manager Cliff Fabri recognized her talent. Cliff then started taking a lot of actions to get Avril involved with more producers, managers, and record labels.

Photo by JustinHiguchi

2. You’ll feel it when you have a hit

Every creator should always pay attention to their gut feelings. For example Avril Lavigne said that she KNEW the song “Complicated” was going to be a hit. And it was.

Here is what Avril said about the song: “I didn’t know what hits were, but my body and my intuition knew that this was a hit song.”

Photo by Jus10h

3. Your finances can change overnight

In the entertainment industry you can literally go from having NOTHING to being a millionaire overnight.

In November 2000, Avril Lavigne auditioned for the head of Arista Records. He was so impressed that he signed her to a $1,250,000 deal for 2 albums plus an extra $900,000 publishing advance. Meaning this is an artist who had no money and became a millionaire after doing a 15 minute audition.

Never give up.

Photo by BrenoGaltier

If you are interested in having your YouTube channel and videos discovered by A LOT more fans, then start your campaign on Promolta now. We will distribute your video on blogs, games, apps, and websites. Over 100,000 paying customers have used Promolta since 2012 and we would love to help you get noticed.

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