How To Turn YouTube Videos Into GIFs In 6 Easy Steps

GIFs have become one of the most shared forms of content online. Several popular sites such as Buzzfeed use GIFs in most viral content. Thus, GIFs can be used as powerful tools to promote YouTube videos.

Here’s how you can turn YouTube videos into GIFs in 6 easy steps:

Step 1

Choose a YouTube video that you want to turn into a GIF

Let us use Walk Off The Earth’s cover version of “Rude” as an example.

Step 2

Type “GIF’ in front of the YouTube part of the URL at the top of your browser. Next, press enter. You will then be directed to Further, the clip you opened in step 1 will immediately appear in the window.

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Step 3

Select the desired start and stop times for your GIF.

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Step 4

Write a snappy title for your GIF.

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Step 5

Click “Create GIF” at the bottom of the window. will then provide a preview of your GIF. If you are not satisfied, click “Go Back” to make further changes.

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Step 6

Share GIF on all social media accounts.

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GIFs can be used as teasers or trailers for your videos. They summarize your content in just a few seconds. Therefore, use GIFs as a way to pique viewers’ interest to watch the full version of your video. Post your GIF on all social media platforms with a link to your video. Also provide a brief description of what your video has to offer to obtain greater traction online.

For instance, the Nyan Cat video was turned into a GIF and shared across all social networks. As a result, the Nyan Cat became the face of a new Internet meme. Thus, the video managed to garner global attention.

Nyan Cat GIF

Nyan Cat GIF

GIFs are a simple and surefire way to attract more YouTube viewers. Follow the above easy steps to create your very own GIF.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Manasa Boggaram is a writer and has a strong passion for music, positive news and constructive journalism. When she is not researching story ideas or writing blog posts, she spends her time reading books, discovering new music and eating lots of street food.