How To Measure Your Viewers’ Loyalty

YouTube recently added an analytic that differentiates between new and returning viewers. As a creator, you can utilize this metric to increase your audience retention. You can also use it to find out where you need to focus your channel growth strategies.

Here’s how to measure your viewers’ loyalty.

Find the metric in your Channel Analytics.

This metric is part of your audience insights in Channel Analytics. To find it, first go to YouTube Studio. Then, in the left sidebar, click on “Analytics.” From there, navigate to the “Audience” tab. Make sure you’re on the graph labeled “Returning viewers.”

You’ll see two different lines on the graph. The purple line tracks your returning viewers, which means viewers who have engaged with you content before. The blue line tracks your new viewers, which means first-time visitors to your channel.

A higher number of returning viewers means your audience is loyal.

The more returning viewers you have, the more loyal your audience is. It means that a majority of your viewers are coming back to your channel for more content. It’s even better if the number of returning viewers increases over the date range on your analytics graph. This signals steady growth.

However, if you have a higher number of new viewers, then people aren’t coming back to your channel after watching one video. This could mean that you had a video that performed well but failed to get people to subscribe, or it could mean that first-time viewers aren’t enjoying your content. If this is the case, then you need to shift your focus to gaining subscribers instead of just getting views.

Use your insights from this data to set specific goals for each new upload.

After analyzing your returning viewers graph, take the time to make a list of goals you have for your channel. For example, if you had a higher number of returning viewers, then your goals might be to reach more first-time viewers and get your subscribers to sign up for Channel Memberships. On the other hand, if you had a higher number of new viewers, then your goals may be to increase your watch time and get more casual viewers to subscribe.

However, you shouldn’t expect every video you upload to contribute to every single goal you’ve set. Instead, you should craft each video to serve one goal. Then, you can continue studying your analytics to see what’s working best. When the data shifts, you’ll be able to shift your focus to a different area of growth.

In order to make it as a content creator, you need a loyal audience. Utilize the returning viewers metric to find out where you need to focus in order to grow your channel.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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