Careers in the Music Industry

The music industry is vast and encompasses many job specializations. You can work on the tech side, the business side, the education side, the health side –you name it! Here are some examples to consider.

Audio Engineer
This job involves mixing and manipulating sound during recording and operating sound reinforcement systems during live shows. You can also work on the research and development of audio technology. So, if you like scientific work, with cool and complicated equipment, this might be just for you.

A&R Specialist
If you’re good at spotting talent and potential, maybe you should consider this career. These specialists are responsible for scouting out musicians for record labels. They must have good ears to sort through all the demos handed to them. They also find a lot of artists through hearsay and connections.

Music Teacher
If you are patient and passionate about education, consider becoming a teacher. You can instruct a school band class or form your own business, giving private lessons. You can also demonstrate tips and advice through YouTube videos.

Music Therapist
If you want to become a healthcare professional, consider the field of music therapy. This involves helping patients with the aid of music, both in active and passive ways. You can have them play music or play music for them. Over time, you will help them heal and lead better lives.

In considering, think about your own skills and interests. No matter which path you choose, one qualification is a must: an intense love for music.

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Michelle Nguyen is a writer whose passions include music, sports, health, and wellness. She loves playing drums and bass guitar, as well as swimming. If she indirectly helps you write the next “Stairway to Heaven,” she will be very happy.

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