A Brief Guide To Understanding Your Channel Analytics

Your channel analytics page is one of the most important parts of your Creator Studio. There, you can find all kinds of personalized data to help you understand your channel’s success.

At first glance, the graphs and numbers may seem overwhelming. However, by breaking it down to the basics, you can easily come to understand your channel analytics.

Watch time differs from the number of views.

Watch time and views are the two most important things you’re looking at. Both contribute to how YouTube’s ranking algorithm handles your videos.

While the view count is the number of people who clicked play, your watch time scores add up all the minutes viewers spent watching your videos. This number is given to you as an overall total, not broken down video-by-video like your view count. The more watch time you have, the better.

For individual videos, you can see your average view duration, which shows you how long your viewers kept watching your videos. View duration impacts your watch time. About a week after uploading a new video, check its average view duration. Go to that timestamp in the video and try to figure out what made viewers click out.

Demographics tell you more about who your audience is.

Your channel analytics can also show you how your video is performing among certain demographics. This will show you the average age, gender, and general location of the majority of your audience.

Compare how your actual demographic measures up to your target demographic. If you’re not reaching the kind of viewers you want to be reaching, then you can change your strategy one of two ways. You can either experiment with new ways to attract viewers who better match your target demographic, or you can start catering more towards the demographic you’re reaching now.

For example, if your target demographic was women 18-24 but you were reaching more people under 18, then you might try to reach more of your target demographic by trying more sophisticated video ideas. Alternatively, you might focus on more kid-friendly content to grow your channel.

Playback Locations and Traffic Sources tell you which sites your views are coming from.

You channel analytics can also tell you what devices your viewers are using and how they’re accessing your videos. These numbers can help you optimize your video marketing strategy to reach more viewers.

Traffic Sources tells you what sites your views are coming from. It breaks it down by searches, playlists, and outside sites. With these numbers, you’ll know where to concentrate your social media promotion for your videos.

Playback Locations works the same way for embedded videos. It will tell you how many of your views are coming from YouTube directly and how many are coming from places your video is embedded on different site. So, for example, if your video is embedded on your Facebook page, you can see how many views it generated from there.

If you’re wondering what device your viewers are using, check out Device Type. These results can help you make decisions regarding things like video graphics, especially if the majority of your views comes from mobile devices.

Likes measure viewer engagement.

Likes don’t just measure viewer opinion. They’re actually an important measure of your viewer engagement, as are comments, playlists, and shares. You can find all of this by looking under Interactions in your advanced data.

The more engagement a video gets, the more the algorithm promotes it to other potential viewers. So, you should keep a close eye on how your viewer engagement shifts from video to video.

Understanding your channel analytics isn’t as daunting as it may seem at first. By understanding the basics first, you’ll be interpreting that data in no time.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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