4 Ways Musicians Can Build a Local Network

Hollywood isn’t everyone’s backyard. However, every community has its own unique music scene. Here is how to stand out on the local stage.

Join Community Theater
Many musicians are actors as well, and even if you’re not, community theater is still a good place to start. It gets both your face and your name out there. Musicians can also pick up many tips and tricks from the seasoned theater pros.


Befriend Local Business Owners
Does your neighbor’s second cousin’s uncle’s dog’s mother’s groomer’s ex-husband own that new hipster coffee shop downtown? Get in touch with him! Making connections in your community will open up new possibilities for potential venues. As you’re getting to know these business owners, tell them about your music and see if they’re interested.

coffee shop

Recruit a Street Team
Gather a group of friends to be your volunteer promoters. Offer to provide pizza and soda in exchange for the flyers they’ll pass out and the posters they’ll hang. Make it fun. Make t-shirts. Having local people spread the word about your music will garner more interest from the community than a few vague posts on a social media platform ever will.

street team

Connect with Other Local Acts
You’re in the same boat, so why not work in it together? Other musicians in your area will be able to connect you to the right people in the community. They may know a place to play that you hadn’t thought of. Another musician may be looking for someone to open for her at her big show downtown. Connecting locally builds the music community.

local acts

By building your reputation as a local star, you build a platform from which to launch your career. Besides, you never know who the fellow members of your community will get you in touch with.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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