How To Set New Year’s Resolutions For Your Channel

As the year draws to a close, many people make New Year’s resolutions for their personal lives. The new year also offers vloggers the perfect opportunity to set new goals for their channels. You can start the new year with a clean slate and a clear vision of where your channel is headed.

Here’s how to set New Year’s resolutions for your channel.

Freewrite to discover your channel aspirations.

First, you need to get an idea of what you want for your channel in the coming year. Get your laptop or a notebook, turn on some chill instrumental music, and freewrite a journal entry about what you want your channel to look like in a year.

Don’t hold yourself back. Instead, allow yourself to express your dreams freely. This writing will be for you and you alone. Don’t limit yourself to simply channel growth, either. You could also write about merch ideas, sponsorships, or any other career aspirations you have in mind.

Narrow it down to a few top goals.

Now that you have an idea of what your end goal is, you can narrow it down to a few specific resolutions. Go back into your journal entry and highlight the most important things you wrote down. What do you want the most? What could you see yourself realistically accomplishing in the next year?

Write out your list of goals separate from your freewriting piece. You may continue to whittle your list down until you’re happy with three to five top channel goals for next year.

Make your resolutions specific, realistic, and actionable.

In order to set yourself up for success, you should rewrite your goals into resolutions that are specific, realistic, and attainable. First and foremost, you have to be as specific as possible. “I will hit a million subscribers” is a better goal than “I will grow my channel.”

Your resolutions also have to be realistically attainable. If you only have a hundred subscribers now, then reaching a million by next year may not be very realistic. However, “I will grow my subscriber count by ten percent every month” is a much more realistic goal.

Finally, your resolution should be actionable. It should be something you can physically do, not just an idea or a general goal. Using the previous example, you might rewrite your resolution to say, “I will grow my subscriber count by ten percent every month by uploading a new collab every other week.”

Establish deadlines for yourself.

In order to be successful with your resolutions, you should set deadlines for reaching them. For example, you may write, “I will raise my average view count by a hundred thousand viewers through promoting post notifications by the end of June.”

A goal without a deadline is just a dream. As a content creator, the only person setting deadlines for you is yourself, so you have to take control of your own calendar. Record your resolutions in the front of a planner or agenda and add your deadlines in the calendar part.

Share your goals in order to hold yourself accountable.

When you make resolutions, the only person holding you accountable is yourself. To increase your chances of success, tell a trusted friend or even your audience about your resolutions. They will hold you accountable and help you stay dedicated to reaching your goals.

You can even make a game out of it. For example, if your resolution is to reach a million subscribers, then you might challenge your fans to help you reach that goal by promising to upload a highly-requested video once you do.

Setting New Year’s resolutions for your channel can steer you towards success in the coming year. Write specific, attainable goals and give yourself deadlines to maximize your success.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.