The Analytics That Tell You What Videos You Should Be Making

On YouTube, there’s no single formula to success. The videos that perform exceptionally well on one channel may absolutely tank on another. Thankfully, YouTube has equipped its creators with the tools they need to determine what kind of videos perform best on their individual channels.

Here’s how you can find out what kind of videos perform best on your channel.

1. Go into your Channel Analytics.

To investigate your videos’ performance scores, first go into your Channel Analytics, which you can get to from your YouTube Studio Beta. You can hit any of the tabs in the Analytics section.

Then, in the bottom left corner, click “see more.” This will pull up an entirely new page that breaks your data down even further.

2. Create several groups.

Now, before you can compare the performance of different videos, you first have to decide which videos to compare. To make it simple, you can create groups of different kinds of videos.

First, click on your channel name then “groups.” In the bottom left corner of the menu that pops up, select “create new group.” A new window will appear. From there, give your group a name and select all of the videos of a certain type. Be sure to save your group when you’re finished. Repeat this process for all the types of videos you want to compare.

3. Compare your groups.

Once your groups are made, select one. Then, in the top right corner, click “compare to” and select a second group. On the split screen that appears, you can compare your groups and how those videos performed.

You can compare lots of different performance factors, such as watch time, traffic sources, and even viewer demographics. If you’d rather compare individual videos than groups, you can use the comparison feature for that as well.

Comparing different groups of videos can help you determine what kind of videos perform best on your channel. These are the videos you should focus on making in order to grow your channel.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.