How To Build A Social Media Presence Sponsors Can’t Resist

Many YouTube channels thrive on sponsored videos. Whether you’re showing off a clothing haul for a new online brand or featuring a cool hotel in a travel vlog, sponsored content is one of the main ways content creators make money.

Sites such as Famebit and Grapevine help connect creators with sponsors, but oftentimes, brands reach out to the vloggers they want to work with directly. With the right moves, you could be next. Put your business email in your social media bios and organize all the information a potential sponsor will need into a file.

Here’s how to build a social media presence sponsors can’t resist.

1. Establish a family-friendly and relatable image.

A brand will be judged by anyone and everything it associates itself with. That’s why you see so many companies dropping celebrity ambassadors the second a scandal breaks out. They don’t want to risk their reputations by working with someone who doesn’t reflect the company’s values.

Most sponsors will search for the kind of content creator they could proudly feature in an ad campaign. For example, iJustine has worked with top tech brands such as Apple, and she starred in an ad campaign for Wix. Because she’s known for great product reviews rather than scandals or drama, Justine is the ideal influencer to help these brands reach millions of potential customers.

2. Build a well-defined, niche audience.

Companies selling a certain kind of product want to reach a certain type of people. Therefore, they’re going to choose to work with influencers who reach that certain type of people. For example, if makeup brand Maybelline wanted to start an influencer marketing campaign, they would be more likely to choose beauty guru Zoella than video gamer Jacksepticeye as the face of their campaign.

To attract the right brands to your channel, focus your content in a specific niche. Find out what your current audience likes best and create videos that cater to those interests. By creating more specialized videos, you’ll grow a specialized audience.

Don’t concentrate on building this audience on YouTube alone. Extend your niche branding to your Instagram, Twitter, and other social media posts as well.

3. Work favorite products into your videos and social media posts.

Many creators do sponsored tweets and Instagram posts as well as sponsored videos. In a similar fashion, they may share their favorite places and products on social media as well as in videos. When you tell viewers about products you already love, you show companies how you can work their products into your content as well.

You can start by making a monthly favorites video to shake up your typical content. In the video, ask your viewers what kind of recommendations they want to see more of.

4. Get your viewers super engaged.

Engaged viewers attract sponsors because they’re more likely to check out what you’re advertising. In order to get your audience engaged, meet them where they are. Respond to comments and put polls in your videos. Reply to their tweets and like the Instagram posts they tag you in. Keep your Instagram story updated, and create the videos that get requested the most.

To take things a step further, demonstrate how responsive your viewers are to products you endorse by releasing merch. This will give you definitive sales numbers to show companies, especially if you haven’t done many sponsored videos before.

Sponsors prefer content creators who will represent their brands well and come with an engaged audience. Follow these tips to build a social media presence sponsors can’t resist.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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