4 Reasons Hamish Anderson Is Going To Be Legendary

There are certain artists whose names are known by everyone: the Beatles, Elvis, Michael Jackson… These musicians became legendary because their music was no one had heard before or has heard since. Legendary status is hard to earn in the music industry, but here are four reasons that blues/rock artist Hamish Anderson is already on his way.

1. His sound is unique.

Hamish Anderson brands himself as a blues/rock guitarist. His bass-heavy beats blend perfectly with his deep vocals. Hamish Anderson’s music sounds as if it could have been played in the Jazz Age or during the birth of rock ‘n roll. The timeless quality of his music is what is going to make it last.

2. He knows the value of a live show.

Hamish Anderson built his career in Australia with his impressive live show. Combining an electric mix of blues and rock with modern roots songs, he made sure that audiences would not forget his name. In the US, he has performed more than 40 shows. Hamish Anderson knows that people who enjoy his live show are likely to buy his music, which they will then share with their friends, who can then share it further.

3. He’s an extremely talented guitarist.

In 2014, RevoltTV asked legendary guitarist Gary Clark Jr. what artists under 30 they should keep their eye on. Clark gave the name Hamish Anderson first. Hamish opened for B.B. King on his final tour. In 2015, he played seven showcases at SXSW. Hamish is proof that an artist who learns to master an instrument enables himself to find success in bigger places.

4. He’s constantly pushing himself forward.

Hamish Anderson is not one to sit back and wait for his dreams to come to him. Rather, Hamish Anderson constantly pushes himself forward. His two EPs have pushed him right into the sights of the industry superstars who are working on his debut full-length album. Hamish has already recorded nine songs with seven-time Grammy award-winning producer/mixer Jim Scott. His studio band includes Chris Bruce and Johnny Radelat. By taking charge of his own dreams, Hamish Anderson has put himself in the best place possible to achieve them.

Like many of the greats, Hamish Anderson makes unforgettable music. Being unique and pushing forward is how an aspiring musician becomes legendary.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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  • Hamish is hoping to set up a crowdfunding page to keep his generosity going, but, in the meantime, locals who wish to support him can add to the fund at the Princes Pantry .

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