3 Steps to Begin Writing Songs

Many of the most famous musicians write many of their own songs as well as songs for other artists. It’s easy to assume that songwriters are naturally talented in their ability to write powerful lyrics and music. While this may be true for some people, many songwriters developed the skill over time. If you are considering writing your own songs, don’t just pick up a pen and start writing.

Here are some tips on how to begin writing songs.

1. Reflect and think about it.

Ask yourself what you want people to feel when listening to your song. Most songs are about love, sadness, overcoming obstacles, or personal praise. Think about what you want to project to the world, what wisdom you can write about, and what feeling you want to expose. Figure out exactly what you want it to be about before you do anything else.

2. Educate yourself about music.

The two factors that contribute to a song are lyrics and music. Writing the music for a song will be difficult if you don’t have prior knowledge of an instrument. You may want to take a music course and learn how to play an instrument before writing your own music. Many songs use the same four guitar chords, so learning to play those chords on the guitar may be your best bet. Another way to write music is to use computer generated instruments and create it through a music software.

Lyrics are very similar to poems. It is helpful to have a background knowledge of writing before attempting to write powerful lyrics. Take a course in creative writing or get a book on poems or songwriting. There are certain structures and techniques that are helpful in creating lyrics that flow.

3. Get feedback.

When you think your song is done, it’s definitely not. Play it for anyone who will listen and pick their brain afterwards. At the beginning stage, it’s important to get honest opinions from other people. You will most likely change things every time a new person listens to it. This is okay. It can be stressful, but it’s important to take the time you need to make your song perfect.

Once you have accomplished these steps, you’re ready to record your song. Writing songs is quite a challenge, but with patience and determination, anyone can do it.

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Corinne Rivera appreciates every type of music, which stems from her experience in dance and playing the guitar and the flute. She currently resides in San Francisco where she studies electronic communications, explores the city’s art, and attends concerts of all genres.

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