3 Great Sites for Writing Music

If one wants to get practice in composing music, there are many places on the Internet that allow any aspiring musician to gain the attention of others.

Looking on the internet, you can find places that cater to whatever interests you have.

1. Soundation

This website allows you to produce music utilizing virtual instruments and effects, all for free. You have to sign up and create an account, but that also allows you to save your work whenever you log in.

Paying for an account allows you to have extra benefits such as higher storage amounts and being able to upload audio from elsewhere. You can also sell songs to others as long as you don’t upload, give away, or sell individual clips or fragments of said tracks.

2. JamStudio

This website is another music creation site that caters to your capabilities. If you have interests in more than one genre and believe that the two can be merged for a better sound, this website is perfect for blending genres together.

It also provides tutorials to help you start out in creating your own music. It is another free website, so all you have to do is join and log in to start using the website.

3. Soundtrap

This website utilizes the connection between your computer and your actual instrument to record music. The site also has virtual instruments for musical composition.

It also allows you to record your music with friends in real-time, allowing any bands out there to work on their music no matter where they are. It also promotes musical creations by posting them on Facebook, Twitter, SoundCloud, and even iTunes and Spotify (though only the first song is free for the latter two).

There are plenty of sites out there that allow you to scratch that urge to create music. These are some of the ones recommended that can really help you, so check them out and discover your inner songwriter!

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Kevin Kwon is a recent graduate from UC Berkeley, currently 23 years old. He works in San Francisco and hopes to continue in the graduate studies regarding the field of psychology.

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