How To Get Active Discussions Started In Your Video Comments

Besides the number of views, two of the biggest indicators of a video’s popularity are its number of likes and its number of comments. Leaving a comment makes a view more beneficial to you, the creator. It’s great when engaged viewers leave a comment on your video, but it’s even better when they reply to each other’s comments as well. If you scroll through the comments sections on some of the videos with the most views, you’ll likely see several long threads of comments and replies because viewers are busy discussing the content of the video.

Here’s how you can get active discussions started in your video comments.

1. Share your opinions and beliefs openly online.

The best way to get a discussion started in your comments section is to step up to the mic yourself. By openly sharing your own views, opinions, and beliefs, you’ll encourage your viewers to be equally open with you and with each other.

Be sure to be respectful and fair in the way that you share your thoughts. Consider other points of view and explain why you feel the way you do. You can address a wide array of topics in this manner, from your opinion of Taylor Swift to your thoughts on gun control.

Popular YouTuber Shane Dawson loves to share conspiracy theories with his audience. He always offers his own thoughts on whether or not the theories could be true, encouraging his viewers to debate in the comments.

2. Ask viewers to share their thoughts with you.

Another way to get your viewers talking is to simply ask them what they think. In the end of your videos, ask them to sound off in the comments below. You can have them share similar stories, exchange advice, or even just tell you what kind of video they want to see next.

This strategy works best on videos that offer the viewer something to think about, such as advice on dealing with a new crush or instructions for a fun DIY. Work some sort of message or piece of advice into your videos for better results.

British vlogger Daniel Howell likes to help his viewers feel better about their lives by sharing awkward stories from his own. He ends most of his videos with a call-to-action asking viewers to share their own stories or advice in the comments section.

3. Engage in discussions with them.

Many vloggers reply to a few comments on every video, thanking viewers who compliment them and answering quick questions about the video. However, what they’re often neglecting is their chance to have real, important conversations with their viewers.

By actively participating in the discussions that you’re facilitating, you’ll get your viewers even more excited to comment on your videos. Don’t just answer them; ask follow-up questions. Go more in-depth in the comments than you did in the video. Continue to engage with your viewers, and they’ll engage even more with both you and each other.

Managing a lot of comments on your videos can get a bit overwhelming, but this tutorial will help you.

Getting a discussion started is the best way to get more comments on your videos. Follow these tips to get your viewers talking.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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