How To Start Your Own Music Blog

A music blog is an incredibly helpful tool that musicians can use to promote and publicize their work. Writing a blog is a fun and easy way to promote your music.

Follow these four steps to start your own music blog.

1. Choose the right blogging platform for you.

Before you can start posting anything, you have to find the right blogging platform! There are many great blogging platforms to choose from, including Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress. Even after you choose a platform, you get to choose from the many themes or templates each website offers.

It’s not an easy decision, but there’s definitely not only one “correct choice.” Many platforms can work, but since you’re creating a music blog, make sure to choose one that is clear, visually appealing, and can play audio/video easily.

Check out this video, which highlights the different qualities of several popular blogging platforms.

2. Start sharing your music.

This point is all in the title. Your followers and viewers are coming to your blog to check out your music, so give the people what they want! You can either share your music with audio files or with music videos.

Make sure that the sound/visual quality is excellent, and take special care in these posts because your music is the centerpiece of your blog!

For some inspiration, take a look at this list of the top ten music blogs!

3. Share your music from your favorite artists.

It’s always a great idea to share other artists’ music as well. When you share music that you love, it gives your viewers and followers a better idea of who you are, what you like, and what your musical style is.

People also like to see music that they already know and like. If your friends are musicians, you can promote their music on your blog, and hopefully they’ll do the same for you!

Check out the YouTuber Sammi Jo’s video, in which she shares her current favorite songs and artists.

4. Organize your blog.

Once you’ve shared some content on your music blog, it’s very important to keep it organized. It can be very difficult for readers and followers to find what they’re looking for on a disorganized blog, so it’s important to make the blog easy to navigate. One key way to organize is by creating headers that contain the different categories of your blog, such as “My Music,” “Music I Love,” etc.

Make sure to tag every post with the category it’s in, and then assign each header a link that includes all posts under each tag. For more specific information on blog organization, watch this video.

Starting a music blog is a great way to share and promote your music in a creative way. If you choose your favorite blogging platform, share your own music, share music you love, and organize your blog, you will be on your way to musical success.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

David Yaghutiel is a Bay Area native who enjoys traveling, theatre, playing the ukulele, and learning as much about the world as he possibly can. He also occasionally daylights as a senior at UCLA.


  • “I’m surprised you didn’t mention joining travel blog success like all the other bloggers do – which is impressive! I love how you personality just shows through your delicate writing!

    I started blogging about my travel experience recently as well, but I am a photographer and I have my name as the domain for my portfolio site – so I just built a blog page on top of what I already have – I’m still debating if I should just create a separate domain for blogging or just keep it as is.

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