How Emerging Musicians Should Use Facebook Events

No new social media has managed to unseat Facebook as one of the best places to get people to see your music. This is because Facebook is built around connections. Any content that a user likes or otherwise interacts with is seen by everyone in his or her personal network. Events are one of the handiest tools for Facebook music promotion.

Here’s how emerging musicians should use Facebook events to promote their music.

1. Build a network in the music industry.

Friend as many people in the industry as possible: musicians, sound engineers, bookers, etc. You can find these people by searching Facebook for local concerts and festivals. Plan to attend these events, and interact on the page with other users who will be there.

Don’t be shy when you meet someone briefly at an event. The music world is all about networking and building a fanbase within the music community because no one attends more shows that people in the music industry do.

Check out this video for tips on networking with Facebook.

2. Create a big invite list.

When you’re playing a show, invite all of the industry contacts that you’ve friended as soon as you know the date of the event. Even if they don’t respond to the invite request, your contacts will still be aware of your music career and may pass along the information. If they respond to the invite request with “interested” or “going,” it will shows up to all of their friends’ feeds.

If you haven’t created a Facebook event yet, watch this video to find out how.

3. Update the page regularly.

Be sure to post on the page several times before the event. You can post anything from a message that you’re excited to play for people to a link to a new song. Again, every post will remind your contacts of the event and offer them another chance to RSVP.

Check out this video to learn how to promote an event on Facebook for free!

4. Create a digital gig poster.

Make a gig poster for the show and post it on the event page. The poster should go up soon after the event is created. Encourage your friends and fans to share the poster as a way to further promote your event!

Gig posters can be simple or elaborate. As long as it’s bright and well-designed, it will definitely catch the attention of your invitees.

Watch this video to learn how to create an easy and effective event flyer.

5. Share pictures of the event.

Be sure to send a thank you to people for coming and post photos from the event to the page after the show is over. If you find a great picture that someone who attended took, ask permission to use it and be sure to thank the person who took it. Sharing pictures is a great way to remind the attendees how much fun they had and to let everyone else know what they missed out on!

Share this video with a friend who doesn’t mind being your event photographer!

It’s clear that Facebook is a great tool for getting connected. As an aspiring musician, you should definitely use the events feature to your advantage.

Interested in getting your music discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Katie Schwarz is a multimedia journalist and freelance writer from Oakland, California. As a recovering political science academic she now writes about music, television, and other pop culture. You can follow her on Instragram and Twitter as @craziesthawk.

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