4 MUST DO’s for a Musician’s Facebook page

Hey! Below are 4 tips to get more attention for your Facebook Fan page

1) Get a custom Facebook url so you’re easier to find. Check out facebook.com/username to get one. A visitor should be able to type in facebook.com/”yourartistname”

2) Upload your videos on Facebook’s video player. Facebook will prioritize in giving these videos exposure in the newsfeed.

3) Post lots of pictures – photos help your fans connect with you and get you better engagement. Photos that appear on newsfeeds catch more attention than just text.

4) Add a tab showing your upcoming releases and gigs so fans know what you are up to!

A Musician’s Facebook page is the key to improving engagement and connecting with fans. By making it easier for your visitors to listen to your tracks and like your page, you’ll gain a larger following.

Learn how to grow your Facebook fan base here: www.promolta.com/fbpromote


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