How This New Zealand YouTuber Gained 3 Million+ Subscribers

Shannon Harris, who goes by Shaaanxo on YouTube, is a vlogger, blogger, and social media personality. She has more than three million YouTube subscribers and over 1.5 million Instagram followers. Her videos focus mainly on fashion and beauty, but they range on all sorts of topics.

Here’s how she is becoming successful.

1. She jumps straight to the topic, keeping her videos pretty short.

A lot of YouTubers love having introduction videos with songs or logos because it is part of their signature look. Some also tend to go on to talk about things that aren’t even relevant to the video’s topic, which ends up making the video longer than it should. Shannon, however, gets straight to the point.

2. She does all sorts of videos relating to fashion and beauty.

Although she only focuses on fashion and beauty, her videos are very widely spread out. Some of her videos even include doing Halloween makeup, a cocktail series, and celebrity inspired makeup looks.

3. She tests out all sorts of makeup for her viewers.

YouTubers who vlog about makeup obviously focus on doing just that. However, sometimes they focus on reviewing really top, high-end makeup that sometimes isn’t affordable for everyone. Shannon, however, reviews all makeup. even drugstore products that her viewers could afford and relate to.

Shaaanxo has slowly moved her way up in the YouTube world because of what she loves doing. Her videos focus on makeup and fashion, but she makes it fun and interesting for her viewers to watch.

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Yocelyn Mendoza is majoring in communications and double minoring in graphic design and Spanish. She enjoys drawing, discovering new music and going on hikes

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