How The Sorry Girls Got Over 700,000 Subscribers with DIY Videos

There is no item in your home  that has not been challenged to a DIY (do it yourself). All over YouTube, there is an abundant amount of DIY alternatives to everyday products. YouTubers Becky and Kelsey of The Sorry Girls have taken DIY and turned it into a YouTube career.

Even if your channel has nothing to do with DIY, you can build a successful channel just like The Sorry Girls by following these three steps.

1. Know your audience.

Although YouTubers would like anyone and everyone to watch their videos, most of the time certain channels only reel in a specific audience member. The Sorry Girls know that their audience is mostly people looking for cheap alternatives to trendy products.

They take that into consideration and try to make the cost of their materials as low as possible. If you want to have a successful channel, it’s important to know who your audience is, and try to consider them when making your videos.

2. Be extremely original.

It’s good to draw inspiration from others, but if done too often, you may lack in original ideas.  Even though it is The Sorry Girls’ job to recreate existing products, they find things to DIY that very few people think to recreate.

Their originality is what makes them the best DIY channel. If you want to be the best in your area of expertise, try to focus on your originality.

3. Take advantage of current topics

Although The Sorry Girls do not lack in creative and original ideas, they know when to take advantage of trending topics to elevate their channel. Every year The Sorry Girls come up with amazing DIY costumes that appeal to large groups.

This year they created DIY Pokémon costumes, pertaining to the insane popularity of mobile game Pokémon GO. They made costumes inspired from movies like Moana and Suicide Squad. Whatever content you create, pay attention to the mainstream media around you. If you use mainstream content in your videos, viewers will find them interesting and trendy.

The Sorry Girls are a prime example of YouTube success. They took DIY, something that people consider a hobby, and turned it into a career. You can be just as successful as long as you know your audience, be original, and take advantage of trending topics around you.

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Maria Kristina Lander is Bay Area born and raised. She loves napping with her dog and taking long walks to her favorite ramen place. One day she hopes to be a reporter that will not only give you information, but also perspective.

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