How To Get Viewers To Support Your Channel’s Crowdfunding Campaign

Many vloggers, even those with more than a million subscribers, rely on crowdfunding campaigns to support their content creation. Patreon is the most popular platform, though YouTube recently introduced its own version called channel memberships. No matter how you’re crowdfunding, the most important thing is getting viewers to support your campaign.

Here are a few ways to get viewers to support your channel’s crowdfunding campaign.

1. Explain your crowdfunding goals in an interesting and engaging video.

If you have a close enough relationship with your audience that you feel comfortable asking them to support you financially, then you should start by making a video explaining why you’re asking. Be creative in a way that allows you to stick with your regular video style.

For example, when Anna Akana announced her first Patreon campaign, she uploaded a video describing the passion projects she wanted to raise money for.

2. Give something extra to viewers who provide financial support.

Make the viewers who support you financially feel special. You can allow them access to your personal email address, exclusive monthly live streams, or signed photos sent in the mail. Another option is to involve these viewers in process of creating your videos.

Before filming one of her latest videos, Carrie Dayton asked her Patreon supporters what kind of video they’d like to see. When she made the video, she gave shoutouts to the supporters who gave her the idea to do a dating storytime.

3. Dedicate the funds to a specific project.

Let your viewers know that any money they give you will be going towards content for them rather than a paycheck for you. Dedicate the funds to a specific video series, special project, or a bigger production.

Every month, KickThePj uses the money raised through his Patreon page to create a video that’s more ambitious than his typical content.

Crowdfunding helps vloggers of all sizes raise the funds they need to create the videos they want. Follow these tips to encourage your audience to support your channel’s crowdfunding campaign.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.


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