3 Ways To Build Your YouTube Brand

The most influential YouTube channels are more than just channels; they’re brands. Think of Zoella Beauty or Nerdy Nummies. What started as videos became huge brands, so it’s important to start building your own channel brand as well.

Here are three ways to build your channel brand.

1. Start carving out an exclusive niche.

Many of the biggest YouTube brands were the first of their kind. These creators build audiences because they were doing what no one else was doing. Now is the time to start carving out an exclusive niche within the realm of your content creation.

There are many baking series on YouTube, but Rosanna Pansino was the first to combine her passion for baking with her love of nerdy things. Thus, Nerdy Nummies opened the doors to a cookbook, a baking line, and even a music career.

2. Incorporate your channel logo into merch.

Selling merch is more than a source of revenue for big-time vloggers. Having their channel names and logos plastered across t-shirts and backpacks helps those creators grow their presence offscreen.

Design a channel logo that represents your content well. Then, start designing merch around it. You can put the logo on t-shirts, hats, bags, and phone stands.

Shane Dawson is known for his popular conspiracy theory videos, which all include an Illuminati symbol in the thumbnail. When Shane released his line of merch, he designed a t-shirt that incorporated the same symbol.

3. Focus on growing your social media following across all platforms.

One of the biggest reasons channels become brands is because the creators themselves have huge followings all across social media. Their millions of followers represent millions of potential sales, which helps them market everything from books to baking supplies.

To increase your own potential sales market, focus on growing your social media following across all platforms. However, you should pay special attention to platforms that host a lot of sponsored posts, such as Instagram.

Building your YouTube brand starts with growing your social media following, incorporating your channel logo into merch, and carving out an exclusive niche.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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