How To Pitch Your YouTube Channel To Brands

So, you’ve grown your channel. You’ve researched a brand that you are interested in doing a collaboration with. You know who you need to contact, and you have an amazing idea that you are ready to pitch. Now you’re stuck. What’s next? How do you write a pitch email? What’s the best way to get them to open your email and avoid it getting sorted into spam? Well, this post has the answers.

Here are three easy tips on how to finish the process of pitching to a brand.

1. Create a list of products.

This step comes after you have researched your brand/company and know what sorts of product they have. It’s very important to make a list of all the products in that brand that interest you, but make sure those products fit with your channel. The brand will not be willing to sponsor you if they are wondering how on earth your idea fits with that product.

Be creative as well. Don’t just think that you have to include solid, actual objects (like pens, hard-drives, etc.). Brands are just as willing to spread the word about apps, plugins, and software that they develop, especially in this digital age.

An excellent resource to check out products from different brands, and to connect to those brands directly, is, and this video by Video Creators tells you all about it.

2. Create a media deck.

A media deck (also called a media kit) is almost like a résumé for your channel. It is a document or PowerPoint that gives information about your channel to the potential brand sponsor and should include everything about who you are and what your channel is. However, make sure not to overwhelm them with information.

This an optional step, and for an important reason. Sometimes, larger companies and brands may have a filter set up that filters emails with attachments, to prevent ads and spam from cluttering their inbox. Adding a media deck may cause your email to be sorted into spam, so it is your choice if you want to include one in your initial email.

This video by Video Creators describes what to include in a media deck.

3. Write a short, simple email.

This seems to be the most obvious step, but it’s actually one of the trickiest to master. The key with emails is to keep them short, sweet, and to the point. Don’t write ten pages of information about who you are and what you do. Save that for the media deck. Instead, your email length should be, at maximum, ten sentences.

Include 1-2 sentences with your name and your channel’s name and topics. Include 1-3 sentences describing why you love their brand and what products you’d be interested in doing a video about. Your mention of the fact that you’d like to collaborate and why it would benefit them should be, at most, two sentences long. Finally, your conclusion sentence will include a call-to-action like “Would you like to hear the ideas I’ve thought of?” This leaves room for a follow-up email, which is very important. It shows the brand you are dedicated to advertising for them. Finally, include your name again, as well as all your contact information.

An optional step would be to include the media deck, but you can save that for the follow-up email.

This video by Video Creators includes information about what else you should include in your pitch email.

Pitching to brands may seem daunting and impossible, but there are so many fantastic resources out there that can help you get started. The most important thing is to keep trying. Researching products and brands, creating eye-catching media decks, and improving your pitch email will draw brands to you. Eventually, you will find that brand who is willing to give your channel a chance.

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Alexis is currently attending school to become an elementary school teacher. When she’s not wrestling with her cat, she enjoys reading, writing, and watching YouTube.