How To Grow A Large Audience For A Niche Channel

YouTube is home to all kinds of unique and interesting channels. No matter what a viewer is interested in, he or she can find a niche channel that celebrates a similar interest. The beauty of YouTube is that niche channels can grow and reach as many viewers as general interest channels can.

One such channel is Glam & Gore. Vlogger Mykie is a makeup artist who specializes in special effects looks. She shares her skills with a few million subscribers, many of whom aren’t special effects artists themselves. By analyzing her channel, you can learn more about growing a large audience for your niche channel.

Here’s how to grow a large audience for your niche channel.

1. Take part in popular tags.

Not all of Mykie’s videos are about special effects makeup. Because she’s a YouTuber, viewers are just as interested in her personal life as they are her makeup skills. Video tags allow her to share this part of her life with her audience.

To grow your niche channel, take part in popular video tags, such as the boyfriend/girlfriend tag. Introduce viewers to important people in your life, show them your favorite places, or do a Q-and-A.

Mykie jokingly called her boyfriend tag “the most requested video.”

2. Put your own twist on trends.

Every so often, a new video trend sweeps across YouTube. Just because you’re a specialized channel doesn’t mean you can’t participate. Put your own twist on video trends to make them fit with your style of content.

The Kylie Jenner lip challenge made Mykie angry because of how many people injured themselves doing it. To combat the videos encouraging the dangerous trend, she created this special effects-themed spoof.

3. Collaborate with creators from other niches.

Collab videos are a hallmark of YouTube content. Creating videos with other vloggers promotes both channels to each other’s audiences. By working with creators from other niches, you can reach viewers who may not find your channel otherwise.

Nail art is another niche within the beauty community, and Simply Nailogical is one of the biggest nail art channels on YouTube. She collaborated with Mykie to create a pair of videos that used special effects makeup in a way that appealed to Cristine’s audience, who loves holographic nail polish.

4. Mix in content that appeals to a general audience.

Alongside her special effects tutorials, Mykie also uploads videos that put the “glam” in Glam & Gore. Her glam makeup tutorials help her reach a more general audience. If they like her more wearable tutorials, these viewers are likely to check out Mykie’s more specialized looks as well.

Mix videos that appeal to a general audience in with your specialized content. They’ll attract viewers who may not have found your niche channel otherwise.

In order to grow a large audience for your niche channel, mix in videos that appeal to a general audience like Mykie from Glam & Gore does. Collaborate with creators outside your niche to reach their audiences as well.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.